神龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武天之四灵,以正四方。(四方神)四角 。—— 深切怀念和追悼邢增全老师千古!他的功绩将永垂青史。 奠、音容宛在、流芳百世、风范长存、永远怀念。
指导老师 银建基
神龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武天之四灵,以正四方。(四方神)四角 。——深切怀念和追悼邢增全老师千古!他的功绩将永垂青史。
忻 州 日 报
2011年6月20日 星期一
教 育 周 刊
国内统一刊号:cN14—0026 邮发代号:21—20 读者热线:2028612 电子邮箱:xZjyzk77@126.com 协办单位:忻州市教育局
So, I hope this reaches you. This mail I guess stops, but I would ask for a working one. You see, when we one day come to Beijing again we would like to pay our respects at your parents' grave. And then we need some guidance, I guess. We would be happy to meet, thanks.
Torben and Fabian feel with you as well, Fabian has known Youshu all his life from his first visit to China, and they to harbour fond memories from gatherings and companionship. They send their warmest greetings.
Dear all, we feel with your loss, but are happy for your great and growing family. That was a pride for your parents to see grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. Take good care of all.
Let us take the spirit of Youshu with us and keep her as a lantern.
With tears in my eyes, to the memory of my Chinese mother.
Hugs for you all, dear Chinese family
and Julie
Dear friends, dear Pengshan, Hongzhi, Xiangdi and Zhengtian,
So sad to learn the news of your beloved mother's death. Though in no way unexpected - she lived a full life - there is something so final about death. And many thoughts and feelings. We her Danish family think so warmly of her, she was a special person. We are happy to know she is now with Luzhi. I remember vividly visiting Youshu and paying our respects to the shrine in her apartment. And now they together rest in Babaoshan, how appropriate.
I think of two stories. Your parents visited my parents in their country house by the North Sea. My mother was nervous - what to serve for sush distinguished guests? I said do as we use to, get a cod directly from a boat on the beach and prepare it whole in the oven. So we did. My father (born 1914) loved to have fish the traditional way as in old days in Denmark. A whole fish includes the head - most Danes wouldn't dream of that. Well, he did, and he thought he would give the guests a little chok. But guess what? Youshu saw the fish and exclaimed: May I have the honour to have the head?! My father was a little crestfallen for his joke felle to the ground - but naturally Youshu had the head, and naturally we were all so pleased and all so happy. What a wonderfuld story, never forgotten. Your mother is - not was - very special. A real lady.
The other one is from a great friend, Van Saichiu, founder of the Daloon factory in Denmark, famous for spring rolls. He came to Denmark for studies before WW2 and then had to stay etc. We were talking about Chinese ambassadors and then your parents. And so he said: Oh, the intellectuals. That they were - your mother's poetry. And I remember your father as well, his eagerness and bright eyes.
So, I hope this reaches you. This mail I guess stops, but I would ask for a working one. You see, when we one day come to Beijing again we would like to pay our respects at your parents' grave. And then we need some guidance, I guess. We w